In this episode, We talk about:
Being more social as a cinematographer.
Cinematographers you should be following on instagram.
In this episode, We talk about:
Putting your work on social media.
Filming in the moment
Guerilla film-making and filming documentaries.
The Featured Director of Phot...
In this episode, We talk about:
Best Apps for Cinematographers:
What is CinematographerXX?
The Featured Director of Photography: Autum...
In this episode, We talk about:
Changing from a one man band to focusing on producing.
Working with limited gear and creating a natural look.
The Featured Producer: Ezra...
In this episode, We talk about:
What is a DIT?
Communication between the DIT and DP.
For more info on the description of a DIT, check out:
In this episode, We talk about:
Hard Light
The Aspects of Light: (Quality - Direction - Altitude - Color - Intensity - Texture)
Shaping Light
Hard Light
Using hard l...
In this lesson, we will cover:
What future lessons will look like.
Lighting Terminology
Soft Light
Let’s start with Lighting Terminology
Key light - the dominant lig...
In this episode, We talk about:
Being a Jack of All Trades in the film industry.
The hierarchy of the film industry in regards to being a PA.
Using music composition to ...
In this episode, We talk about:
What to consider when starting screen writing.
Explaining themes in films. What's the bigger message?
Talking a little bit about characte...
In this episode, We talk about:
How be limited can help spark your creativity.
Trading cash for creative control when you can.
The Featured Director of Photography: Greg...