Bouncing Light
Bouncing light is simple. To achieve this, all you have to do is bounce a light off of any surface or material unto your subject. You could bounce off of a wall, the ceiling, a reflector, a bounce card, a white sheet… the options or endless. One thing to remember is that you are essentially transferring the light source. Your actual light isn’t really considered the light source one you bounce it, the place or material you bounce the light from is your light source. Some people use the term skip bounce which is basically just bouncing the light from below, like off of the floor.
Flagging Light
When flagging light, you are basically blocking the light source from hitting a desired area with the use of a flag. Most commenly, black flag are made from duvetyne. You can also things like black sheets or cardboard. Different materials yield different results. A cucoloris, or cookies, flags some of the light but lets light leak from the shapes that are carved out.
Negative Fill
When a DP wants negative fill, they are referring to taking away light. To achieve this, you can bring in a black flag closer to a subject and the flag absorbs a lot of the surround light.
Control light using black wrap or skirting the light
So by adding modifiers onto the actual light, you can get more control. Some times when you strike a light, you’ll have light leaking from the back of the light and that may affect your scene. That’s when adding black wrap to that light could fix that problem. Or if that pesky china ball is just throwing light every where, i’m talking soft light 360 degrees which is kinda of it’s purpose, you can add a skirt to the china ball to control your light.
Tools for Shaping Light: